Friday, September 15, 2006

Our Hero

Darwood recently sent me this picture online, and I thought at first it was just a nice gesture. Then I realized it wasn't actually talking about me, but was probably an attempt to butter up the author so he'd get a better role in the book -- or maybe so that he'd get the girl.

Well, if you've been following the news -- and probably even if you haven't tried to -- you may know this is a sign posted outside the Australia Zoo, along with practically a field of flowers, in response to Steve Irwin's death. (AKA, the Crocodile Hunter.)

If somehow you hadn't heard, the Croc Hunter died a rare death -- from the barb of a stingray. And he's been mourned the world over for his genuine nature and his hard work toward conservation efforts.

There's a great tribute to Steve on the Australia Zoo website. And you can find out there where to send donations if you're so moved (used to preserve wildlife).

It's not such a unique blog entry today, but like so many other people, I wanted to say thanks to Steve and his family for all their work, offer a final salutation to the bloke, and look forward to the work continuing.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Why Words are so Important

Ok, I can't help myself. When I see things like this, I think it's a good time to point out why being careful with words is so important. It's also why I think learning essays in school is important, if you learn them well. Because they work the ol' noggin on logic.

So, I read someone's question on Yahoo! today, and it said:

"what was the highest mountain in the world before mt everest was

Now really, was there a mountain that was taller than Everest before Everest was discovered?

Um, I'll let you be the judge, because I know I'm just being ornery.