Thursday, August 17, 2006

Halfway There -- Regarding Movies

Today's news on Darwood and Smitty is that I'm halfway to my goal of 65,000 words.

What's incredible is how the process feels. Have you ever seen a movie where SO MUCH HAPPENS that, halfway through the movie, you figure it's GOT to be almost finished. And at the same time, you're enjoying it so much that you wish it WEREN'T almost finished?

That's what this is like for me. The plot to Darwood & Smitty has so many twists that you figure it's GOT to be almost over, now that this one critical character is dead, and then the world finds out something about him, and then that starts driving the story in a new direction, but then everyone finds out that the thing the world thought they just found out about him is actually almost EXACTLY wrong.

And then, just as Darwood and Smitty are about to FINALLY get everything in order ... the story is only halfway finished; in fact, it's almost as if everything has been a prelude to the second half, where the action and the twists and turns are just about to RAMP UP like mad.

Yeah ... I have to talk through smoke like this because I don't want to sit here and give away the plot. But it gives you a sense of what this is like.

Of course I've got the rest of the book outlined. I know what's going to happen, even if the specifics are always surprising once they emerge through the writing process. But when I look at it, it's like a mountain that I can hardly wait to start climbing while, at the same time, I can't believe that I still have to climb.

Ok ... deep breath. Now on to future chapters.

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